About me

My name is Luiz de Prá, I’m from Curitiba, Paraná, Brazil. I live with my beautiful wife 👩 and our furry dog 🐶. I have a bachelor’s degree in Computer Science from Universidade Federal do Paraná, and a game development specialization from Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Paraná. Currently, I’m working as a back-end developer, making REST APIs, microservices and other cool things.

Ela e Eu

Ela e Eu

I’m interested in different software engineering subjects such as data structures, algorithms, protocols, architecture, design patterns, etc. I really enjoy learning and trying new tools and languages. Have you heard about the Rust language? 😛

Recently, I started to try to engage more in the open-source and game development communities, attending to meetups and conferences, and, of course, contributing. In my spare time I like to play and make games, read books, watch movies and series. I’m also planning to learn woodworking.



So, this is my blog, one of my most procrastinated projects. I wish you could learn something from here. If you want to stay in touch, leave a comment or reach me at Twitter or Mastodon. You should check my projects at Github, and don’t forget to subscribe to this blog’s RSS feed.